
Exterior Window Weather Stripping - Grit

Keep out all weather, retain conditioned air with exterior window weather stripping, and replace or recaulk your windows and doors.

Because doors and windows are designed to open and close, the seal between these barriers and their frames are not sufficiently tight to keep out all weather and keep in the home’s conditioned air. Weather stripping fills the gaps. However, with use, weather stripping can be worn or damaged and need replacement. To maintain weather stripping once or twice a year: Self-Adhesive Weather Strips

Exterior Window Weather Stripping - Grit

Joints around non movable exterior components such as windows, doors, and siding can be weatherproofed with silicon caulk, a soft material that quickly hardens but remains pliable to fill gaps and reduce air and water leaks. Caulk is available in small or large tubes depending on the amount needed. Larger tubes require a caulking gun, a pressure device that forces caulk out the tip by squeezing a lever. To recaulk annually:

Newer windows have more than one thickness or pane of glass. The area between panes may be airtight or filled with an insulating gas. If the seal around the panes leaks or is damaged, air and moisture can enter or gas can escape, making the insulation less effective. Replacing the seal is a job for a professional window glass service or contractor. However, the homeowner can perform a quick inspection once or twice a year:

Excerpted from The Home Owner’s Manual by Dan Ramsey. Reprinted with permission from Quirk Books.

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Exterior Window Weather Stripping - Grit

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